Fake Call Chat Whts Caller

Short Description

Fake Call Chat - Fake text message - Fake WhatsApp msg and more WhatsApp tools

App Screenshots

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App Description

In the prank call application, you can simulate prank calls.

Fake Call Chat - WhatsApp Caller Simulator is for entertainment.

How to use Prank Call - Friendly Prank:

You will see a countdown timer until the prank call rings.

Prank Features:

Create fake chat conversations and prank your friends.


This application is for entertainment purposes only and should not be used to lie. Please use this app only with friends and close ones.

Prank calls and chat games do not have any real phone or chat functionality - purely simulated.

This app is for entertainment purposes only and is not affiliated with any other messaging apps. This app does not attempt to replace the original apps.

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